Friday, July 22, 2016

Question 11~ How Do You Say No When Your Head Is Screaming Cheat?

I really like this question because omg it happens so so much.. I have named that voice Ethel.. And trust me when I say she has a big mouth at times. Since I am an emotional eater she seems to rear her ugly head alot.. I find myself in prayer alot when this part of my struggle takes over and that helps alot. Another way I am able to say no is remembering the cheat meal (yes it's just a meal not a whole day). I look forward to this day but it's not a day I'm allows to have if I slip up before then. This is my way of rewarding myself so I look forward to it.. It helps me keep it together. Do I slip? Oh yes I do.. Especially in the beginning. It's a little easier now but in the beginning it was way hard.. I am also lucky enough to have an amazing support team that reminds me of my goal and how far I have come and how well I am doing. This helps me hold it together and strive to work harder..
Keep your head up, a smile on your face and know that u can do anything u set your mind to.. No matter what that unhealthy snack won't taste as good as you look healthy..
I am in no way a professional, I am simply sharing with u was has and is working for me.
If you have a question please feel free to send them to

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