Friday, August 26, 2016

1200 Calories A Day.. What That Looks Like

As most of you know dieting isn't an easy thing to do. There is cost and taste and so many things that play a roll in it. I live in the south so that also makes it very hard. Everything in the south is fried, rolled in flour/cornmeal and fried again and then after all that it is covered in some kind of amazing gravy.Now don't get me wrong i was raised in the most amazing place on earth and wouldn't trade it for the world. With all this said, all of that makes it very hard to loose weight when it comes time. Well with all this being said i had to get it together and get some weight of due to the fact that my years of this bad eating i ended up with a cholesterol issue. I then found out i couldn't take the meds for the cholesterol due to an allergy so i had to make some changes. It was going to have to start with diet.
So after some extensive research i had the knowledge i needed to get my health back on track..
This is what a day in my kitchen looks like and a day of my 1200 calories.
i keep a strict schedule because it's the only way i can hold myself accountable. These times can be done to suit you of course and also remember if you aren't big on breakfast that's ok too as long as if you are going to have it you do it within three hours of you waking up... Also make sure it is the highest in protein for the day so that it burns fat through out the day..I am going to set this up as a a timed list so that it's easier to understand..

  • 6:00 Am- Morning Whey Protein Shake
  • 9:00 Am- A high protein snack such as beef jerky or a Greek yogurt or almonds
  • 12:00 Noon- A whey protein shake
  • 3:00 Pm- Another high protein snack like listed above
  • 6:00 Pm- I have a high protein 500 to 600 calorie Supper. I will list a couple of my faves that i make so you get an idea.. 

Now alot of meal plans want you to eat 6 times a day. To me i can't eat that late so i looked at that 9pm snack as one i will do if i am awake and if i am just really needing something. So keep in mind that time one would be a high protein snack like the ideas listed above..
Grilled Chicken Salad with salsa and greens

Chicken TurkeyBacon Wrap 

Tuna And Black Bean Salad

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Back In The Swing

HOLY COW!!   Where does the time go? I mean seriously. It seems like yesterday and the kids got out of school for summer and now we are going school supply shopping for them to go back. I cant believe i have a third grader on my hands. This is insane, I am excited. I have several new things going on this year to say the least and i know it will prove to be busy which is fine because it will keep my head busy...
One of the BIG things i'll be doing is going back to my destination walking...I have a new route already picked out just need to wait for the time to do it.. I say time because with summer here yes i am able to walk and have been able to get into a really good place but i also have an 8 year old that i had to keep entertained and that in it's self was exercise. Now that she is  back in school and i am a morning person as you all know as soon as i drop her off at school at 730 i will be able to get my walk in before it gets hot and the biggest part of the traffic on the roads has already gone through. I haven't done it in a couple of years but i would love to get back to being able to do 6 miles in an hour and 45 min. I am excited to see what this up coming year has to offer... This blog thanks to all of you had done great, my weight-loss journey has come a long way but i have a long way to go before i am where i want to be. I am hoping to during this school year get a little closer to the goal i have set for myself.. No matter what i am thankful for how far i have come and am ready to get this party started..

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Shout Out Of Praise To A Friend.. Awesomeness!!!!

When I started my weight loss journey I joined every little group could because I needed to read and know I wasn't alone.. I have done this off and on mess so much I was over it myself so I was sure everyone else was as well.. When I started this blog I was still a little worried that people wouldn't respond or better yet not even care. Well the more I considered it the more.i realized I didn't care that I was doing it mostly to hold myself accountable for what I was doing for me...Turns out, I touched more people than i thought and i found many people on their own journey with this curse known as weight..
My precious friend from over at The Adventures Of SuperMom is also on her own weight-loss journey and she and I were tossing back and forth what was and wasn't working for the both of us.. well congratulations to her for her loss of  pounds.. That is AWESOME!!!!!! Now some words from my sweet friend.
When I saw a picture of me from a Christmas party in 2015 I knew I had to do something. I had been in bed for 1 ½ years dealing with a back injury and the weight snuck up on me. I tried all sorts of things but my sweet tooth wasn’t having any of it so I buckled down in June of this year and started Adkins. It was very hard at first but then it became my way of life. I’m finally below 140 pounds...okay I’m at 138 and it makes me very happy.

I love success stories and i love knowing people are on their way to being healthier and happier about themselves. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and please feel free to keep us updated on future progress..
If you have a story you would like to share send i to the email listed below.These are so much fun.
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Finding Jeans U Haven't Worn In Three Years... HAPPY DANCE!!!!!! When They Fit

The weight journey i have been on for the last Two and a half to Three years has been a tough road to say the least. I have been up and down so many times I had almost given up. However there came a day when instead of saying i was gonna do it and then nothing happening i got on my knees and i prayed about it. I mean to tell you i prayed hard about it because the health issues i had attached to this weight were a big deal so it was time to get serious..
I did my research and i had been to a doctor and i now knew what i needed to know to get this ball moving.. I began to rearrange my diet but most of all i began to move. I got off my rear and i got to moving and making.. To me this wasn't near as hard i didn't think as changing my diet..I loved my "white stuff" Bread, rice, potato's, chips, all that good stuff. But hanging on to that kind of food is only gonna hinder my ability to get better.
Well about a week ago found a pair of jeans i hadn't worn in about 3 years.. I was scared to try them on right off because i wasn't sure i wanted ti feel that defeat in the mirror so to speak. Well i finally got up the nerve to try them on..
OMG OMG!!!!!! They fit they fit they fit. I almost passed out but omgosh i was over the moon happy.. So i had just seen proof that all my hard work had paid off..
Keep up the hard work y'all. You will get there and if you do it just right you will be in a better place than you expected.

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Question 16~How Much Water Should I Drink A Day?

This question is a good one. I don't know about you but it isn't easy for me to drink plain water. I am more of one of those people that felt like if it didn't have bubbles it wasn't going to quench my thirst so i wasn't drinking it. Well i had to go ahead and let those crazy thoughts go. Your doctor will tell you to have 8 8oz glasses of water a day which is 64 oz. Well i did a little more research and also saw that i should drink at least half my body weight in ounces of water so i did that too. Now here is what i have found. it definatly needs to be at least 100 ounces of water and maybe more than that. Here is why. Working out takes alot out of you and you have to replace that and it very important to refuel and keep hydrated. With all the extra activity i have added to my life i find i have begun to consume at least 132oz every day. Now trust me when i say there are many benifits to drinking the right amount of water.. Your skin is so soft and clear, and you just feel so much better..
I will recommend this. Start with the 64oz called for in the beginning and move up as you become more active..

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Just A Few Of My Favorite Things..

I know it's so hard to find thing you like to eat when you are trying to be healthy and make better choices.. Some of it leaves to the imagination when it comes to taste..Over the last year or so i have done some serious searching and digging into this because i figure if i am thinking this others do too. So i tell ya what. Here are a few of my favorite things..

Whatever you decide as your favorite things, Keep it healthy and clean and remember this. The gym can help u get into shape but it initially starts in the kitchen with your diet...
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Being Part Of The Solution..

Something occurred to me over the last few days. I have so many wonderful friends in my life and some are in the horrible weight boat. Let me assure you that this boat sux.. I will say this though, One day at a time and we are going to be ok and we are going to be healthier for it.. I have been as well as the rest of you have been working hard and we have sweated harder. What i didn't expect was the thank you's and the you have really inspired me comments. Y'all that's so sweet of you to say ans i don't know how to say thank you. I never expected to be in this place i just knew i needed to get healthy..I guess for me that when it all began to turn around. I realized that yes i needed to drop the pounds but more than that i needed to be healthy. and i needed to do that the healthiest and safest way possible. During all this i have had some of the sweetest and most amazing people on my side cheering me on and following suite and i am just thrilled. I don;t think i understood the impact i was having on others until i began to have people telling me how great i looked and behind that would come thank you for being such an inspiration...These words to me are such a shock to me to hear because i guess i couldn't imagine anyone looking to me for answers or any kind of encouragement at all... I do appreciate you all so so much and i know with your help and love and support we ALL are going to succeed in this journey as long as we all stick together and become part of the solution in place of the problem. It is hard enough to be over weight but it is so much harder when you are over weight and begin the journey to loose weight for whatever the reason and have people be cruel and mean about it.
Hold each other up and help each other out. Being ugly isnt necessary. A kind word can go a long way. Y;all are awesome..
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


There are several thing in this old world that are just not ok with me and shouldn't be with anyone as far as i am concerned.. Bullies, bullying, being mean to anyone because of differences..I have been all over the place when it comes to my weight. I was a skinny kid growing up. Heck i didnt gain weight until i got pregos with my first daughter and even then i wore my size 4 jeans and size smalls until i was almost 6 months along. I started this weight loss journey over 2 years ago and have been up and down with it for a long time. Well i think, i hope i have finally got it together and under control. I say that with a smile in hopes that if i say it out loud it will help me be accountable lol.
I have worked hard and i have changed the way i eat and how. I had to re-train my brain to handle the thoughts of all the change because i was so so very use to eatin any and everything i wanted to and didnt care how clean or good for me it was..well i changed all that and i finally got weight coming off and was so happy i could scream and well instead i wasnt doing the happy dance i was crying instead.. I know seems backwards right? Well heres the deal..
Here i am thinking i am doing so good just to have someone who i considered a friend send me an email asking me to stay my fat a** off the computer and stop posting all these pics of myself because no one really cares. Well i took this to facebook to see what others said and as it turns out i have way more support out there than i do those who just want to be ugly and mean. So with that being said i am going to keep pushing through and loosing while you are still sitting there with your cookie dough..   I am going to let my haters be my motivators.. Stay blessed and work hard.. MOVE YA BOOTY...

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Friday, August 19, 2016

New Lap Top... Back In Business..

Wow, It has been a long time since i worked from something bigger than a phone. I had almost forgotten what it was like..
Thanks to you all for your awesome questions and comments you are so great. You are why i do this. Please keep them coming. I look forward to hearing from you..
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Question 15.. How Often Should I Work Out?

Working out was at first something I hated doing.. I hated it so bad.. However I also knew it was something that had to be done.. I started out honest to gosh with the minimum of just walking.  I walked three miles and I did it at least two times a week. Now I workout every day. Now to answer this question.  Ideally we should do some kind of exercise every day but that may not be possible for every one so I recommend you set yourself to a schedule that works best for you. Three days a week is where most people are comfortable.  If you have any kind of cardio equipment in your house then u have no excuse..  If you don't and you rely on going to a gym then this is when u work out a schedule that best fits you..
Please know that I am no expert I am simply sharing with you what has and is working for me...if you have any questions or comments about the blog please send them to

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Question I Can't Answer

I am not a fan of getting a question I can't answer. I got a question yesterday about gastric bypass surgery.. I was asked if it was dangerous and or if it worked..
This isn't a question I am able to answer.  I haven't had this done but since it's something I'm not able to answer I will find a way to answer it for you.. please bare with me and I will get you an answer..