Thursday, July 21, 2016

Question 10~ How Do You Justify A Cheat Snack Or Meal?

I actually really like this question.. It took me a long time to even consider a chest meal.  And at this point I only have this ONE time a month... I have a reason for this, I have only been steady doing this diet hard and strong for about a year..
I have been off and on so much but I was finally over it and really buckled down.. Well my reason for once a month is this way I have no choice but to be good for three weeks and you days.. If I slip one time... NO CHEAT MEAL...  It sux and it's hard but I need to be healthy and junk eating is not going to make that happen.. Now with that being said when I have my chest meal I try to make it like the same day every month or at least in that same last week of the month.. I make it a main course and a desert.. That's it..
I may pick pizza and ice cream. I might have a big ole burger and brownie.. but that's it.. its back to business.. Trust me it's the hardest thing I have ever done and it took me a long time to get it together. I know it's weird but I have to do all of this on a schedule and I kid u not I even have timers set for when I eat and for the week of cheat meal so I can decide and plan that meal.. it just helps hold me accountable and keeps me on track..
Please keep in mind I am not a professional nor do I claim to be . I am simply sharing with u what has and is working for me.. if u have a question ud like to ask please send to

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