Sunday, July 17, 2016

Do You Ever Just Want to Give Up..

In sorry it's been a couple of days since I posted.. Have an 8 year old I entertain since school is out. She has a totaly become part of my workouts because she likes to help mommy.. She is also the first person to remind me I can't give up... I have a precious daughter that needs me so giving up IS NOT AN OPTION.  I hated this journey more than anything and that to was holding me back from my goal.. See it takes to much energy to hate something. Energy I could use to put into the actual act of loosing weight.. There will be days that are harder than others trust me. Look deep into you and know you can do anything you set your mind to.. You are going to do great..
I am in no way an expert in am simply sharing with you what has and is working for me.. if you have a question you'd like to ask please email me 

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