Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Question 15.. How Often Should I Work Out?

Working out was at first something I hated doing.. I hated it so bad.. However I also knew it was something that had to be done.. I started out honest to gosh with the minimum of just walking.  I walked three miles and I did it at least two times a week. Now I workout every day. Now to answer this question.  Ideally we should do some kind of exercise every day but that may not be possible for every one so I recommend you set yourself to a schedule that works best for you. Three days a week is where most people are comfortable.  If you have any kind of cardio equipment in your house then u have no excuse..  If you don't and you rely on going to a gym then this is when u work out a schedule that best fits you..
Please know that I am no expert I am simply sharing with you what has and is working for me...if you have any questions or comments about the blog please send them to

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