Saturday, August 20, 2016


There are several thing in this old world that are just not ok with me and shouldn't be with anyone as far as i am concerned.. Bullies, bullying, being mean to anyone because of differences..I have been all over the place when it comes to my weight. I was a skinny kid growing up. Heck i didnt gain weight until i got pregos with my first daughter and even then i wore my size 4 jeans and size smalls until i was almost 6 months along. I started this weight loss journey over 2 years ago and have been up and down with it for a long time. Well i think, i hope i have finally got it together and under control. I say that with a smile in hopes that if i say it out loud it will help me be accountable lol.
I have worked hard and i have changed the way i eat and how. I had to re-train my brain to handle the thoughts of all the change because i was so so very use to eatin any and everything i wanted to and didnt care how clean or good for me it was..well i changed all that and i finally got weight coming off and was so happy i could scream and well instead i wasnt doing the happy dance i was crying instead.. I know seems backwards right? Well heres the deal..
Here i am thinking i am doing so good just to have someone who i considered a friend send me an email asking me to stay my fat a** off the computer and stop posting all these pics of myself because no one really cares. Well i took this to facebook to see what others said and as it turns out i have way more support out there than i do those who just want to be ugly and mean. So with that being said i am going to keep pushing through and loosing while you are still sitting there with your cookie dough..   I am going to let my haters be my motivators.. Stay blessed and work hard.. MOVE YA BOOTY...

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

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