Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Shout Out Of Praise To A Friend.. Awesomeness!!!!

When I started my weight loss journey I joined every little group could because I needed to read and know I wasn't alone.. I have done this off and on mess so much I was over it myself so I was sure everyone else was as well.. When I started this blog I was still a little worried that people wouldn't respond or better yet not even care. Well the more I considered it the more.i realized I didn't care that I was doing it mostly to hold myself accountable for what I was doing for me...Turns out, I touched more people than i thought and i found many people on their own journey with this curse known as weight..
My precious friend from over at The Adventures Of SuperMom is also on her own weight-loss journey and she and I were tossing back and forth what was and wasn't working for the both of us.. well congratulations to her for her loss of  pounds.. That is AWESOME!!!!!! Now some words from my sweet friend.
When I saw a picture of me from a Christmas party in 2015 I knew I had to do something. I had been in bed for 1 ½ years dealing with a back injury and the weight snuck up on me. I tried all sorts of things but my sweet tooth wasn’t having any of it so I buckled down in June of this year and started Adkins. It was very hard at first but then it became my way of life. I’m finally below 140 pounds...okay I’m at 138 and it makes me very happy.

I love success stories and i love knowing people are on their way to being healthier and happier about themselves. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and please feel free to keep us updated on future progress..
If you have a story you would like to share send i to the email listed below.These are so much fun.
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

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