Sunday, August 21, 2016

Being Part Of The Solution..

Something occurred to me over the last few days. I have so many wonderful friends in my life and some are in the horrible weight boat. Let me assure you that this boat sux.. I will say this though, One day at a time and we are going to be ok and we are going to be healthier for it.. I have been as well as the rest of you have been working hard and we have sweated harder. What i didn't expect was the thank you's and the you have really inspired me comments. Y'all that's so sweet of you to say ans i don't know how to say thank you. I never expected to be in this place i just knew i needed to get healthy..I guess for me that when it all began to turn around. I realized that yes i needed to drop the pounds but more than that i needed to be healthy. and i needed to do that the healthiest and safest way possible. During all this i have had some of the sweetest and most amazing people on my side cheering me on and following suite and i am just thrilled. I don;t think i understood the impact i was having on others until i began to have people telling me how great i looked and behind that would come thank you for being such an inspiration...These words to me are such a shock to me to hear because i guess i couldn't imagine anyone looking to me for answers or any kind of encouragement at all... I do appreciate you all so so much and i know with your help and love and support we ALL are going to succeed in this journey as long as we all stick together and become part of the solution in place of the problem. It is hard enough to be over weight but it is so much harder when you are over weight and begin the journey to loose weight for whatever the reason and have people be cruel and mean about it.
Hold each other up and help each other out. Being ugly isnt necessary. A kind word can go a long way. Y;all are awesome..
**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

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