Thursday, January 19, 2017

An Addition To My Day

Sometimes motivation is NOT something i have.. And i am also about energy and so i did some research and decided to try a pre-workout. Now as a rule i try very hard not to use things like this but i thought I'd like everything else try it and see what i thought.. I wanted to see how it made me feel. I wanted to try at least one container and see if it was a jittery energy or all in all how my body would respond while i walked and if there was a crash after, You know all those kinda things.. I know you have seen me talk about how the diet pills from these doctors are bad for your body and they are, The side effects suck bad trust me i know i took them. So i didn't want to tell you that about those but then turn around and put something in my body that was essentially the same thing. So i have been doing one i found that i thought would work for me and so far so good. I drink one scoop in a bottle of about 10 ounces of water in blue raspberry flavor. I drink this about 30 min before i do my 3 miles on the treadmill, followed by the circuit things I do.
I get on the treadmill and the more i walk the more i want to walk. I also notice that i sweat way more now that i have started drinking this.. I push myself more and i am actually  thinking of going up to 4 miles.. I am wanting more out of my performance for me. I am wanting to be healthier and this gives me the kick in the booty i like early to get me pumped up and keep me pumped through my workout.I will finish this container and decide from there if i want to continue it again but as of now i am pleased with my choice to try it..

**Disclaimer: I in no way claim to be an expert, I am just simply sharing with you what has worked and what continues to work for me. Thank you so much for your questions and if you have questions you'd like to submit please email to Thanks so much. Tammy Ann.

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