Sunday, June 26, 2016

Question 2.. Awesome!! A Two Part One

  Question #2
The day you decided to start, how did you go about it?
Did you plan things out or jump in head first?
I can feel my body screaming for all those bad carbs when I try to make that transition. ..thanks!...
Wow.. what a question. An amazing one. Well the day I decided to start came after a new patient appt to a new doctor and finding I had high cholesterol.  I was put on medication and was told the do's and don't's and sent on my way. Well I was on this medication for about 5 days and then my body had a horrible reaction to it. So much so that I was informed by said doctor that I wouldn't be able to control my cholesterol with meds so then I got this list of foods I can and can't eat and all that.
By this time my heart is broken and I'm just beside myself because I know how hard it's going to be to get this weight off. And doing it the right way is gonna be even harder but I knew it had to happen..
Well for the next few weeks I did alot of reading and research of any and all diets I had seen on TV and everywhere else.. A lot of what I did felt like I was getting no where.  Well about 5 years ago I finally had a long hard talk with myself and The Good Lord above and decided I would get started and would just figure it out as I went along..
And that's pretty much what I did for a couple of years and almost even up until now because it is a daily struggle still. I just feel like I am on the right and on a better track to handling it now.
This is the deal. First things first,  SEE YOUR DOCTOR.. Any time you begin any kind of diet please consult your doctor so that u have an idea of what is healthiest and best for you. And what is healthiest weight range for you. From there it's trial and error for you as to what works best for you.
It will in no way tell u that what is or has worked for me is the best to do because I can't do that and I'm not qualified to do so. I am just simply sharing my experiences with you and hope maybe some of them will help you.
Now in all of my research I have found that these are the things that work for me and where I have gotten the best results.  The body needs at least 65 but no more than that to properly burn fat. Now my old thinking would have thrown me into Oh yay I can have some bread, or some pasta. Something like that because it's what I'm used to having. Now check this out.. Complex carbs are so much better and when eaten correctly work amazingly in adeing burning fat.
What are complex carbs u ask? One of my favorites are sweet potatoes. They are so good and can be cooked so many ways. I have included the two pictures, these are two I got off Internet a few years ago and it helped me with the kinds of carbs to use.
But all in all, my real true reason for doing this is the fact that I am a mother, I'm a grandmother.  It's important that I be healthy for my angels.

I hope I have helped answer some questions for you. Please keep them coming. 



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